
Your future self is calling...

I help multi-passionate high performers feeling stuck, unfulfilled, and lost in their career unlock clarity and courage to create the most energizing life they can dream of. We beat self-doubt, procrastination, and indecision to unleash new energy & create momentum. Join my newsletter to build your career by design and life on purpose. You're in, right?!

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The Ultimate Goal

My dream is to build a life I don’t need to escape from. One where I love Tuesdays as much as Saturdays. And I’m not willing to wait til I retire at 60 to do it. The hardest part about this? The standard work schedule is Monday through Friday. If you share a similar dream and (1) you need to work to make money, (2) your work doesn’t energize you, and (3) you don’t have autonomy over your schedule, it’s gonna be pretty difficult to make it happen. Weekdays are 70% of the week — so you'll...

Calling all career changers!!! If you’re reading this, I know you’re not here to settle. Your goal is to build a career you’re excited to wake up for. One that leverages your talents, challenges you to grow, gives you freedom to live your best life, and pays you more than comfortably. Why? So you can say yes to any trip with friends, give your (future) kids the best opportunities, and rest easy on Friday after work — knowing you're making a positive impact in the world. Obviously. Yeah Katy,...

When you’re a high achiever, you’re used to being good at… pretty much anything you try. Here’s the downside: you start avoid trying things where you could fail. Because what does it mean about you if you can’t do it?! This fear of failure manifests in delayed dreams. I would know. I’ve spent collectively years delaying what I know I want to do out of fear: Writing on Twitter - 2 months Pivoting to startups - 3 months Launching a podcast - 6 months Starting my business - 3 months Evolving...

It’s July 4th in the USA today!!! 🎇 Which makes me think of fireworks, BBQs, ice cold watermelon, jean shorts… and FREEDOM. Since I wrote about My Ultimate Goal a few weeks ago, I’ve been thinking a lot about freedom. It seems appropriate to talk about it more in depth on America’s Independence Day. Freedom sums up my list of core values. Since you're here to build your life and career by design, my guess is it's high on your list too. Freedom is the opposite of force, it's all about flow....

This was a crazy week. I flew back to NYC, hosted my first live masterclass Career Clarity Launchpad, and then immediately flew to Europe for a friend's wedding. I'll be traveling until August, so I had a lot of packing to do. I had every reason NOT to do the masterclass this week. But I decided to go for it.To stop overthinkingTo stop doubting myselfTo take the messy actionTo show myself what's possibleTo let go and let God fill in the gapsI had no idea how many people would sign up when I...

Most people view their next career or life move as a step-change from the previous one. This thinking is flawed. It leaves no room for reinvention, locks you into a fixed path, and ignores that life is a canvas to be painted on. Your life is a masterpiece, not paint-by-numbers 🎨 I always believed you can do anything you set your mind to — in theory. But I didn’t fully believe it until I discovered Dr. Benjamin Hardy’s work. He’s a renowned organizational psychologist and author. A few months...

Too busy, overwhelmed with work and personal to-do’s, burned out… How could I possibly start a side hustle that would give me the freedom to quit my job? Ah, the vicious cycle rears it’s ugly head. The age old question emerges: How do you make time for a change when you’re already overloaded? I quickly learned an important lesson: I must create space if I want to change my life. Time is a non-renewable resource. The only option is to make better use of the 24 hours you’re gifted every day. In...

Last night, my phone screen lit up at 10:45 PM. My founder friend texted me. He's rapid hiring for CSMs since their startup is growing so fast. He wanted to hire through referrals first since there’s more trust baked in. I replied, “It sounds like you need a senior person to run the ship. I have the perfect person for you.” Within 30 minutes, they had a meeting scheduled. THIS is the power of an active network. You’ve heard, “Your network is your net worth.” But why is that? Humans make...

How to Make Life-Changing Progress On September 28, 2023, I joined a webinar that changed my life. I’d been side hustling for months, but I was fed up with my lack of tangible progress. Work fires and life priorities always seemed to get in the way. I spent all my extra time working IN the business vs. ON it. So this webinar was a beacon of hope… A founder said he built a $1M business in 2 hours per day from Starbucks. This guy is Pat Walls, founder of Starter Story, a media company helping...

Finding a new job in this market is no joke. What worked in the past isn’t enough anymore. You need a new strategy, especially if you’re making a career change. Whether you are actively job searching or starting soon, you’ll want to read this one all the way through. When I decided to stop climbing the career ladder in consulting and instead jump lily pads toward work that gave me energy, I had no framework to approach the transition. I wish someone had grabbed me, looked deep into my eyes,...