This newsletter has nothing to do with your career transition… and everything to do with who you choose to become. Not just at work, but how you show up in your life. And that has everything to do with how your career path shakes out. Let's get into it. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ Last week changed my life forever. I’m feeling some type of way after 5 days on a retreat in Costa Rica. I signed up for an Immersion with a community called Alluviance in December. This community’s mission is to help founders, sales people, and sales leaders master their craft, hone the inner game, and build community. I was expecting to refine my sales skills, make a few friends, explore the gorgeous land of Costa Rica (I’d been wanting to visit for years now), and further refine my long-term vision on this retreat. I jumped off a waterfall, got a little busted up rockclimbing in a river, and made 40 new friends. But I had no idea what would emerge through:
I’m still processing everything… But I wanted to share my top 10 lessons so far: 1) Steps back allow you to leap forward.There is immense power in carving out space to step away from your day-to-day so you can evaluate what is and is not aligned for your vision and purpose. Only then, can you recommit to how you want to show up differently moving forward. Often, we need to leave our environment to see things from a new perspective. When’s the last time you disconnected to reconnect with yourself? 2) Mindset is critical… and so is Somatic work.I’ve worked so hard on building a rock solid mindset; it’s one of the things I’m most proud of. But I don’t like feeling “negative” emotions (like anxiety, anger, or sadness), so I push them down — something I learned to do since I was a kid. There is immense power in feeling ALL of our emotions and listening to what they want to tell us. I’ve started a 10-min daily practice to simply feel into my body and get in touch with my emotions. This has already been transformative. And for the first time, we did a round of breathwork on my coaching call this week. Everyone loved it. Check out or the Open app (30 day free trial here) if you’re looking to get more in tune with your body. 3) Everyone has a story, including you.You do not know what other people are going through or have been through in the past. We all put on masks to survive in the world, to protect ourselves. Processing your past, releasing it, and learning the lessons you need to learn is critical to moving forward. Treat others with kindness & compassion, always. You never know what internal battles people are fighting (no matter how perfect their LinkedIn looks). 4) Balance experimentation with depth.By nature, I’m an experimenter. I like to tinker, try different methods & approaches, test & learn. There is power in that. Treating everything like an experiment removes the pressure so you can embrace progress over perfection. I experimented for the first 7 years of my career. Now that I’ve found what lights me up, it’s time to bring more depth to my relationships, my coaching container, and my content. I’ll keep experimenting, and double down when it feels right. 5) Less thinking, more feeling.I spend so much time getting things done in life and work, that it can be hard to turn off doing mode and be at peace with simply being. As a lifelong overachiever, I've spent most of my life in my masculine energy (the energy of execution, structure, and getting shit done). I am now focusing on cultivating more of my feminine energy (the energy of creativity, flow, and being) to complement that execution mindset. It’s clear to me now: Tapping into my feminine energy is where my true power lies. Overthinking is underfeeling. The more I make decisions by feeling with my intuition (rather than overthinking outcomes in my head), the more I’ve learned to trust myself. And the easier it becomes to take the advice: “Trust your gut”. 6) You are far more powerful than you realize.Your ability to impact others expands the more you cultivate your self-worth, self-love, and self-expression. Your desires are safe guidance, your authenticity is a magnet for others, your resistance a green light to go. Pursue your purpose and vision like it’s meant for you — because it is. Don’t be afraid to share it with others who will lift you up. That old adage about keeping your goals to yourself is BS; we need all the encouragement we can get! 7) Real life connections have a different frequency.I love that I can make a global impact from wherever I am in the world, but working on my laptop has me craving more in-person connections. It’s hard to hug through a Zoom screen. I’m continuing to prioritize IRL experiences like retreats, and mapping out more meetups with my community this year. Consider a virtual hug on its way to you in the meantime! 8) Open your heart by resisting the close.I've been getting the message to open my heart in meditations for the past few months, but I didn't really know what it meant... or how to do that. Now I do. It’s natural to want to close off to protect ourselves when we’re feeling vulnerable (I'm feeling that now sharing this with you), but it’s critical to stay open-hearted. To me, this means:
Staying open-hearted, even when we've been programmed to close down, is what allows us to heal the relationships in our lives. There were multiple times during this retreat where I truly felt my heart open (during breathwork, the 2.5 hour sweat lodge ceremony, and while doing somatic inquiry in front of the group). I've never felt more like a powerful force for good. I’m committed to keeping my heart open, and sending as much love and light into the world as I can. 9) You will never regret getting to know yourself.Take the time to know yourself. You can practice self-acceptance and love while figuring out how you want to evolve. Chew on the difficult life questions like:
The more honest you are, the more clarity you’ll receive. Once you have clarity, you’ll be required to lean into courage over comfort to shift into your next-level version of you. The life you want is on the other side of brave. 10) You’re not alone, God’s got it.I am a deeply spiritual person, and I don’t talk about it enough. Have been my whole life. When I accept that I cannot control everything (even though I want to), I make space for creative possibilities to emerge. I accept that everything is happening FOR me, even when it looks like the polar opposite. Faith is knowing that help is already on the way; leaning into surrender and trust. Regardless of what you believe in, there is power in acceptance and leaning into the flow of life. Steal two of my go-to mantras to let go and allow:
I could probably record a 2.5 hr podcast episode about everything that happened at this retreat and perhaps I will one day (once I bring back my podcast), but I wanted to share these lessons with you while they're fresh. This is not my usual content, but isn’t that the whole point?? I wanted to pull back the curtain to show you how I operate behind the scenes — and share the lessons I’m learning as I learn them. I'm also sharing this to lean more into my authentic truth and radical honesty. Considering starting a TikTok with no plan other than just to share my unfiltered lessons... hmm we'll table that for now. Regardless, I'm grateful you're here. I hope this is a simple reminder today to take a deep breath, tell your family & friends you love ‘em, give yourself some love, and maybe release your death grip on everything working out your way so God/ the universe/ life can step in and surprise you. Take what resonates, leave what doesn’t. How did this resonate with you? Reply back with your #1 takeaway. And let me know if you want more BTS content like this :) With gratitude, love, and light, P.S. Next free training announcement is dropping early next week!!! Cannot waitttt, keep an eye out for it if you're on the job hunt.
I help generalists across tech and consulting get clarity, land $150K+ dream roles, and build energizing careers they can't wait to wake up for. Whether you're feeling stuck and unfulfilled at work or passed over in the job market, I can help. We'll upgrade your mindset, personal brand, and strategy to Stand Out from the noise. Join my newsletter for weekly tips to build your career by design and navigate the transition with confidence. You're in, right?!
Welcome back to my weekly newsletter where I help generalists like you build your career by design and navigate big transitions with clarity and confidence ✨ If you've been forwarded this, subscribe here “Tell me about yourself.” I used to cringe when I heard this at the start of every interview. How could I possibly sum up my career history in 2 minutes or less? I’d done a bunch of different projects, what was I supposed to include? The classic generalist dilemma. Being a generalist is a...
Welcome back to my weekly newsletter where I help generalists like you build your career by design and navigate big transitions with clarity and confidence ✨ If you've been forwarded this, subscribe here This 19-minute call changed how I think about networking forever I won a 5-minute call with Gary Vaynerchuk's right hand man — his VP of Relationships. This conversation completely revived how I think about relationship building. Nick Dio is a guy who's been working with Gary Vee for 10+...
Welcome back to my weekly newsletter where I help generalists like you build your career by design and navigate big transitions with clarity and confidence ✨ If you've been forwarded this, subscribe here Don't Make This Mistake When You Quit Your Job One year ago today, I put in my 5-week notice to quit my job. It feels like a lifetime ago. It was one of the scariest decisions I’ve ever made, but I knew I was more than ready to leap. Not to another company this time, but into full-fledged...