Ever been in career limbo? I have...

I’ve spent years in “career limbo” — that uncomfy place just before making a career change, where thoughts cycle between:

  • This role is no longer it for me
  • Idk exactly what I want next
  • I don’t want to pick the wrong thing
  • I guess I can just wait it out…

* Keeps scrolling LinkedIn * 🫠

My fellow high achieving generalists, can you relate?!

When you crush whatever’s put on your plate, it’s easy to aim for perfection.

If you search for that PERFECT next role, you believe you could “mess up” and there might be a wrong move…

which leads to taking no real action at all.

Good news: You cannot mess it up!!!

Especially if you have a clear process to get ultimate career clarity that aligns your values, superpowers, interests, and income goals.

I recently caught up with my client Nicole who was in career limbo before we worked together.

She was so over her job and searching for career clarity after 6 years in consulting & tech, ready to find work she was excited about again. She said:

"It sounds cliche, but after working with Katy I have felt a weight lifted around finding the "perfect" job. If I am moving closer to what I think I want (and that might change, and that is ok!) it is a worthwhile move.

My overall outlook on job changes has shifted as well, where I think about opportunities with much more excitement and curiosity rather than trying to find a perfect needle in a haystack. This has really drastically changed how I view my career - it is much more fun and exploratory just by making this mindset change!"

Within a few months, Nicole was invited to join the Venture Studios team at her company. This unexpected opportunity aligned ~perfectly~ with her career goals and objectives. It's funny how releasing perfection can help you get much closer to it!

If you too are ready to get out of career limbo, this is divine timing 😊

I’m looking for 5 generalists with 7+ yrs of experience who are ready to get clarity on their career path & transition into their next career chapter in the next 3-6 months.

DM me “READY” on LinkedIn to chat and see if it’s a fit.

Ready to put the life back into your career?

I help generalists in tech and consulting who are feeling stuck and unfulfilled in their career unlock clarity and confidence to transition into their dream career. We upgrade their mindset, story, and strategy to make career transitions with confidence. Join my newsletter to build your career by design and life on purpose. You're in, right?!

Read more from Ready to put the life back into your career?

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