You're the CEO, did you forget?

A single mindset shift changed the course of my career:

Back when I first started questioning if my career path in consulting was the right fit for me, my mindset was all over the place.

I often found myself thinking…

  • I’d have to take a paycut if I leave
  • I’m not qualified for anything else
  • I’ll disappoint my mentors here
  • I don’t have another network
  • I’m too much of a generalist

Here’s what changed:

I remembered that I'm the CEO of my career.

aka I'm the final decision-maker with the power to change my trajectory.

I tapped into my own personal power and chose to believe that aligned opportunities are abundant.

I stopped making excuses and manufacturing constraints, worrying about other people's opinions, and worst of all — waiting for the perfect time.

(Had I waited, I'd still be aligning numbers on powerpoint slides, working past 10PM every night, cringing with the ring of every Teams call, questioning what it was all. Yikes).

I decided to prioritize my fulfillment, play the long game, and make a change now.

Then I took action:

  1. Created my career vision (start a business in the future)
  2. Chose my next move (learn at an early stage startup)
  3. Committed to it (said no to bad fit opportunities)
  4. Invested in support to accelerate my transition
  5. Built my personal brand & transition story
  6. Learned how to stand out vs. blend in
  7. Strategically built a new network

Landed my absolute dream role 3 months later.

This is my story, but it could be yours too.

When you change your mindset, you change your trajectory.

Are you ready... or are you more committed to the status quo?

Hiring picks up in September and October before the holidays. If any time is going to be perfect, it's now.

Get clarity on what's next in August, and you'll set yourself up to land that new role by Thanksgiving.

If you’re ready to get out of career limbo & make a change before 2025, book a call to learn more about coaching designed to accelerate your transition.

If you're not ready yet, that's ok too. There's always next year.

Ready to put the life back into your career?

I help generalists in tech and consulting who are feeling stuck and unfulfilled in their career unlock clarity and confidence to transition into their dream career. We upgrade their mindset, story, and strategy to make career transitions with confidence. Join my newsletter to build your career by design and life on purpose. You're in, right?!

Read more from Ready to put the life back into your career?

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