Who's driving your career?

If you’re not driving your career, someone else is.

Maybe you’re progressing in a career path you no longer enjoy… and it only gets harder to leave the more money you make.

Maybe you’re the best team player who everyone raves about… but you’re left feeling taken advantage of on the regular.

Maybe you’ve been coasting lately. Work is a drag but you’ll ignore it for now…. maybe it’ll get better.

These situations may be fine for a little while.

But at some point you realize…

This car(eer) isn’t taking me where I want to go.

And if it’s not fueling my life, it’s holding me back from my potential.

Turns out as low as 22% of professionals are satisfied with their job in 2024. American happiness with their personal lives is at a 10-year low as well. I have to imagine they’re heavily related.

Don’t let yourself stay part of these statistics.

If you don’t like the direction the car is going, grab the wheel and turn it around.

If you aren’t sure where to go, lay off the gas.

If you just keep driving, you’ll run out of fuel far from where you want to be.

Good news though — you can ask for help.

Pull over to the side, find someone who’s been this way before.

Get some direction on where to go next.

Most people don’t stay in the same job for 40 years anymore. Many have made pivots or adjustments when they decide to start prioritizing themselves over what everyone else wants for them. They begin to define success on their terms.

There are endless options for what you can do (thank you internet). With clarity, focused effort, and the right support, you can reinvent yourself at any point. Use these second act careers for inspiration.

Growth isn’t linear. In fact, leaning into exploration and following your intuitive nudges leads to the most fulfilling, purpose-filled lives. It totally has for me.

This is why I love working with my coaching clients who are excited about better understanding themselves, getting clear on what they want, and mapping out a plan to get there together.

I help them refuel along the way and stay on course.

As a result, the drive to what’s next is a much more enjoyable ride.

P.S. Whenever you’re ready, there are 3 ways I can support you:

1) Join The Purposeful Path Accelerator 🚀 A 90-day group coaching program to discover your purpose, get clarity on your professional path, and confidently transition into a career that fuels your life. Learn more and apply.

2) 1:1 Career Transition Coaching 💛 Get private support and in-depth feedback to navigate your career transition. Grab a free Career Strategy Call to chat about your goals and see if we’re a good fit to partner up.

3) Follow me on LinkedIn ✨for daily advice on building your career and life on purpose

P.S. Here's a pic of little me already in the driver's seat :)

Your future self is calling...

I help multi-passionate high performers feeling stuck, unfulfilled, and lost in their career unlock clarity and courage to create the most energizing life they can dream of. We beat self-doubt, procrastination, and indecision to unleash new energy & create momentum. Join my newsletter to build your career by design and life on purpose. You're in, right?!

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