You're INVITED to LinkedIn Leveraged ⚡️

✉️ An invitation for all generalists in transition ready to level up on LinkedIn

When you’re a top performing generalist who's touched strategy & ops, marketing, and client success it's a challenge to tell your story...

and far too easy to find yourself doomscrolling LinkedIn jobs rather than effectively leveraging the platform to share that story and get hired.

I bet this job search is proving more challenging than you expected...

→ You have the chops to thrive in your target roles, but you're not getting the opportunity to show them off in interviews you actually care about.

→ You used to get jobs from your network, but referrals aren’t converting to interviews as often these days. It’s feeling less and less effective.

→ Your resume has some top notch companies and clear promotions on it, but it’s not yielding the interviews you expected.

→ You’ve updated your LinkedIn profile, but you’re pretty sure it’s not optimized...and you almost never get interesting recruiter outreach anymore.

→ You’re sending connection requests and InMails, but it feels like a black box where replies aren’t making their way back to you.

→ You’re not sure the best way to leverage LinkedIn to get interviews. The job alerts are mostly just noise.

→ Every time you log on to look up a connection, you end up doomscrolling posted jobs — and feeling even worse about yourself after.

→ You find yourself scrolling the feed just to see another depressing post from someone else frustrated with their search... *Sigh*

Look, I know you’re more than ready to land a role you’re excited about and inspired by... and to do that BEFORE the end of 2024.

It’s time to learn how to maximize your visibility on LinkedIn so you can start magnetizing opportunities to get hired for your dream role.

I'm hosting another FREE 90-minute masterclass just for you on October 16th.

Join to learn my proven strategies to maximize your visibility on LinkedIn so you can stop doomscrolling job boards and start magnetizing opportunities to get hired for your dream role, even if you have a squiggly career background that’s hard to explain.

When you learn these strategies, you’ll have recruiters in your inbox, accepted connection requests left and right, and conversations with contacts at your target companies who can’t wait to interview you.

You can’t afford to miss this 👇

P.S. I know you want to join us live for the special bonuses... but there will be a limited time replay if you can't make it.

Ready to put the life back into your career?

I help generalists in tech and consulting who are feeling stuck and unfulfilled in their career unlock clarity and confidence to transition into their dream career. We upgrade their mindset, story, and strategy to make career transitions with confidence. Join my newsletter to build your career by design and life on purpose. You're in, right?!

Read more from Ready to put the life back into your career?

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